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         Helping FRIENDS' Horses         To Donate please click on the Apple and be taken to a  Secure donation site.

Meet our newest addition; Pacifica. She is a 3-year-old, bay, mare,  that was already racing ( under the name "Nadine's Girl") but she was not a winner. Unfortunately, she can never be ridden again because she has a fractured leg. It’s a lateral condylar fracture of her Cannon Bone. It usually would be fixated with screws, but that was not done, and it is too late now. She developed a callus, but it’s not healed completely. Not much can be done about that, she will likely develop arthritis there. She also has white line disease, to the point of making her lame. She had a hoof wall resection that requires a bit more hoof to be resected with consequent bandaging, a special shoe, and of course treatment of the white line. She seems like a quiet filly, but she is quite thin and will require lots of "groceries." She is just one of the thousands of horses that end up in this situation every year, and most of them do not have a place to go. We hope to see her gain weight and thrive with proper care here at F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

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F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Horse Rescue & Sanctuary
Florida research Institute for equine nurturing, development & Safety, Inc.

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